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Master Project | 2021 - 2022

Link to The Past and The Future of Eindhoven

The project’s building program was determined by the Campina Terrein plans, the existing uses of the site, and the city’s needs. The building complex includes cultural spaces, offices, maker spaces, and residencies that would resolve the lack of social housing. The plinth formed by the Y-shaped wall structure is utilized as cultural and maker spaces that creates a functional and aesthetical continuity with the former industrial area of Campina. Eindhoven is a growing city avoiding urban expansion to preserve the green zones around it. In an effort to find sustainable solutions for the vertical development of the city, a timber structure that can collect CO2 at the end of its useful life is presented. The grid and the structure heights were designed to create interchangeable spaces that would be utilized according to the city’s needs. The eco mesh addition on the double skin façade that is constructed of 95% recycled metal, improves the ventilation, air quality, and climate control. The potentially growing vegetation on the eco mesh and the designed park enhance the biodiversity and quality of life of the residents. 

Student: Elena Pilatou
Tutor: Jan Schevers

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